- Attilio Mussino Museum
- Patronal Festival of the Assumption
- De.Co. dishes
- Class reunions
- Vernantin
- Wayside shrines
- Former Confraternity of Santa Croce
- Santuario Madonna di Valle (or della Madonnina)
- Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Nicolao
- Minor chapels in the municipal territory
- The Tourusela
- Former “Società Vetraria”
- Murals of Pinocchio
- The Cuneo-Limone-Ventimiglia railway and the helicoidal tunnel of Vernante
- Stone wall path
- Old town centre
- Borgata Palanfrè
- Catharism
- The art of organ making
- Minor churches and chapels in the municipal territory
- Chiesa della Confraternita di Santa Croce
- Chiesa Parrocchiale Visitazione di Maria Vergine
- Museo del vecchio mulino
- Colle di San Sudario and castle ruins
- Art Nuoveau villas and monumental sequoias
- Historical fountains in the municipal area
- Bec Berciassa protohistoric site
- Old town centre and sundials
- Curent and balet
- Curved “trusses”
- Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Donato
- Minor churches and chapels on the municipal territory
- Shrines on the Municipal territory
- Museum of the Accordion
- Museum of Sound and Communication
- Museo della Cuneo-Nizza
- Molino Marchisio
- Viasoel di Jòrs d‘ Snive path
- Old town centre and fresco of via Emina
- Thatched roofs
- Abaiya di Limone Piemonte
- Museo dello Sci
- Minor churches in the municipal territory
- Minor chapels in the municipal territory
- Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Pietro in Vincoli
- Galleria di Napoleone
- Via del Sale
- Riserva Bianca e ski-lift facilities
- Via Romana
- Old town centre Limone
- Borgata Limonetto
- Confraternities
- Cold Fair and borgarina snail
- Funeral monument to Sebastiano Grandis
- Outside votive frescoes
- Wayside shrines
- Santuario di Monserrato
- Confraternita di San Giovanni Battista Decollato
- Confraternita di Santa Croce
- Minor churches and chapels
- Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Dalmazzo
- Castrum ruins of Borgo San Dalmazzo
- Industrial archaeology
- Museo dell’Abbazia
- Memoriale della Deportazione
- Historical fountains
- Parco Grandis
- Torre Civica
- Arco di San Rocco and gates of the town
- Old town centre and fifteenth century fortification
- La Causéga’s herd pen (Céva)
- Whole village of Fontan
- Pénitents noirs chapel (Chapel of the Black Penitents), known as Misericorde Chapel (Chapel of the Mercy)
- Parish church Santa-Maria in Albis
- System of water mills and adduction channels
- Bridge-station FS of Piène-Basse
- PLM railway works of Breil-sur-Roya
- Castle of Cachiardi de Montfleury, known as “de Veune”
- Remains of historic mule tracks
- Ensemble of the hamlet Piène-Haute
- Breil-sur-Roya, town
- Irrigation channels
- Piène-Basse hydropower plant, retaining structures and water supply
- Spillway tunnels
- Chapel of the Black Penitents (Chapelle des Pénitents noirs), known as the Mercy (La Miséricorde), dedicated to Saint-Claude
- Chapel of the White Penitents (Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs), dedicated to Saint-Jacques
- Convent, known as Franciscan monastery and Church of Our Lady of Miracles (ND des Miracles)
- Saint Sauveur Parish Church
- Madonna del Poggio (Madone del Poggio), former priory of Lérins
- Remains of the castle of Malmort
- Gorges of Saorge Road
- Whole village of Saorge and remains of fortifications
- Nocé and Bendola Irrigation Channels
- Breil-sur-Roya’s patronal feast, known as Medj’august
- Set of 17th and 18th century country chapels in Breil-sur-Roya
- Saint-Michel de Libre church, former parish church
- Saint-Jean Baptiste de Libre Chapel
- Saint Anthony of Padua Chapel
- Chapel of the White Penitents, dedicated to St. Elizabeth, in Piène-Haute
- Saint-Marc de Piène-Haute Church, former parish church
- Chapel of the Annonciade, Piène-Haute
- Chapel of the White Penitents (Chapelle des Pénitents blancs), dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria
- Madone des Grâces chapel
- Saint-Antoine l’Ermite Chapel (Saint Anthony the Hermit)
- Santa Maria in Albis Church’s organ
- Set of liturgical and decorative furniture of Santa Maria in Albis Church
- Remains of the medieval castle of Piène
- Breil-sur-Roya’s remains of the fortification system
- Notre Dame de la Visitation Church’s organ
- PLM railway works of Breil-sur-Roya (PLM: former national railway company – Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée)
- Fontan hydropower plant, reservoir structures and water conveyance
- Bell tower Saint-Jean
- Madone-du-Mont, old parish church
- A Stacada d’Breï
- Haut-Pays and Transports Eco-museum
- Maginot fortification system
- System of fortifications Séré de Rivières (name of a general) in the Authion mountains
- Ensemble Notre Dame de la Visitation Church, Rectory and St. Jacques (St. James)
- Set of hamlets, chapels and road of Berghe Inférieur and Supérieur (Lower and Upper Bergue)
- Muleteers of Tende and Saint-Eloi feast
- Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption’s Organ
- Departmental Museum of Wonders
- Chapel of the Black Penitents, known as the Mercy
- Chapel of the White Penitents, known as the Holy Annunciation and the Ascension of the Lord
- Chapel of the Annunciade
- Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (ND de l’Assomption)
- Saint-Sauveur Chapel
- Rock carvings sites des Merveilles (Wonders) et de Fontanalba
- Military works of Vallo Alpino, in Tende and La Brigue
- Fortification system of Tende’s col at the end (19th century)
- Tende green schist quarry remains
- Saint-Dalmas de Tende train station and other FS railway structures
- Hamlet of Granile and Sainte-Anne Church
- Ca and old road of Tende col (Roya slope)
- Village of Tende and fortifications remains
- Naïjou / Naïji (apiary / apiary pens)
- Pastoralism and Brigasque sheep celebration
- Organ of the Collegiate Church Saint-Martin
- Museum – Brigasque Heritage House
- Saint-Michel Chapel
- Hydroelectric power stations in Tende
- Mine galleries and hamlet of the Minière de Vallauria
- Ca d’arbine (apiaries in local dialect)
- Saint-Sauveur Church Organ
- Set of 17th and 18th century country chapels
- White Penitents Chapel, known as de l’Annonciade, known as des Blancs d’en Haut (The Whites from Above)
- White Penitents Chapel, known as de l’Assomption (Assumption), known as des Blancs d’en bas (the Whites from below)
- Saint-Martin Collegiate Church
- Notre-Dame des Fontaines Chapel (Our Lady of Fountains)
- Remains of La Brigue Lascaris Castle
- Former lime kiln of Cianese et quarry remains
- Pond du Coq (Rooster’s Bridge)
- Whole village of La Brigue
- Chapel of the Red Penitents (Chapelle des Pénitents Rouges), dedicated to Saint-Sébastian
- Crotés” d’Ar Casté and Breil-sur-Roya medieval castle’s remains