Saint-Martin Collegiate Church

Saint-Martin collegiate church is located at the western entrance of the village, opposite Saint Martin’s Square.

Typology Building

Accessibility Yes

Visitable Yes

The Collegiate Church of St. Martin was opened to worship on August 1, 1501.

The original architecture of La Brigue’s church combines Lombard reminiscences, late Gothic naval style naves, and Baroque altarpieces. It still shows the basilical plan (a nave and two collaterals) used in the Middle Ages in the region. The south inserted bell tower aisle takes the late Romanesque aesthetic.

The Gothic inspiration is visible on the crossed vaults with ribs. Arches separate the bays.

Between 1575 and 1578, the main facade was endowed with the portal and the Renaissance white marble oculus.

From the seventeenth century, the peripheral chapels, the choir and the high choir were equipped with Rococo style baroque decorations and other more classical decors.

To the right of the choir is located the Virgin in the Rosary chapel (Chapelle de la Vierge du Rosaire). On the left, the Madonna of the Seven Sorrows chapel (Chapelle de la Madone des Sept-Douleurs). The altarpiece includes seven medallions; surrounded by golden scrolls, presenting the seven pains of the Virgin whose Pièta statue is located in a niche.

The side chapels were owned by big local families, or by brotherhoods. Their magnificent altars and Baroque altarpieces serve as a setting for Renaissance and Mannerist canvases and polyptychs.

Conditions of visit

From D 6204 road, at Saint-Dalmas de Tende, take RD 43 road to the entrance to the village of La Brigue.

Authorized and easy access, nearby parking.

Daily opening to the public.


Additional information


  • Astro Charles et Thévenon Luc F., La peinture du XVIIe siècle dans les Alpes maritimes, Éditions Serre (collection patrimoines), Nice, 1985
  • Beltrutti Giorgio, Tende et La Brigue, Les Editions du Cabri, Breil-sur-Roya, 1988.
  • Corvisier Christian, La Brigue – Collégiale Saint-Martin, dans Congrès archéologique de France. 168e session. Monuments de Nice et des Alpes-Maritimes. 2010.
  • Pastorelli Liliane, La Brigue au Coeur, copyright Liliane Pastorelli, Editions Gomba, Nice, 1987.
  • Roque Paul, Les peintres primitifs niçois, Guide illustré, Éditions Serre, Nice, 2006
  • Roque Paul, En suivant la route du sel. Nice – Peillon – Lucéram – Sospel – La Brigue, Retables et peintures murales, Serre éditeur, Nice, 2012
  • Thévenon Luc F., L’art du Moyen Âge dans les Alpes méridionales, Éditions Serre (collection patrimoines), Nice, 1983
  • Thévenon Luc, Kovalesky Sophie, La Brigue, Morignol, Réaldo, Piaggia, Upega, Carnino, Notre-Dame des Fontaines, Collection Arts et Monuments, Éditions Serre (collection patrimoines), Nice, 1990.

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